Saturday 21 November 2009


Well, this is a first. I thought writeing a blog online if the best way to let things out, no one i know will read it so i really don't care to be honest! but feel free to read away at my maybe not to perfectly interesting blogs.
Well. i suspose i should tell you abit about what/who i will proberbly be writeing about.
Jazmin- well she is the one in the group who thinks far to much of herself. she is quite pretty but very very very thin, kind of no figure thin.. but you know. we use to be best friends but we arnt so close anymore.
Torii- tall, pretty, no self confidence what so ever. can't just like one guy, there is allways atleast two hahaa,
Sinead- abit hippy like, overly hyper at times, big hair, a all over pretty nice person but can get on my nearves at times.
Sian- shes ok, i suspose, im not that close with her but she is wierdly obbsessed with me, me and Lucy think she might be a lesbian... i dno its abit strange really...
Alex- very pretty and so nice, love her to bits.
Beth- nicest person in the word, dosent have a mean bone in her body. its impossible to say something bad about her
Lucy- The bestfriend, similar to me in so many ways, i love her very muchly. :) i allround
awsome girl.
Tash- use to be best best best mates when we were younger, but not so much anymore, i'm more like her love adviser now. hahaa
Boys/ Boyfriends or ex's
Harry- The boyfriend, my one and only. i love him to much.
Dom- The ex! he is now one of my bestfriends but is still abit wierdly obsessed with me at times, likes to text me... alot. One of Harrys bestfriends, lol.
Rory- the ex ex ex, i went out with him in year 7, he is pretty fit to be honest and is very nice but far to cocky, he thinks so much of himself its wierd.
Ollie- Bestie friend. i do love him muchly but he cant go a hour with out pissing me off.
Family/ step-people.
Mum- my mum, duhh. abit crazy, gets pissed off easily. (abit like me really)
Dad- Left when i was six for my mums best mate (there not best friends anymore!!) trys to win me over by giveing me money and stuff, pretty cool as far as dads go, but can be SUCH a twat!!
Adam- Brother, EUGH.
Katie- step sister whic isnt quite my step sister because my dad and her mum arnt married yet but they have been together like 6years.
Zoe- Bitch of a 'stepsister'
Misceall (i think thats how you spell it, mish-el)- dads girlfriend (mums ex bestfriend) not my 'mum' nor never will be.

Thats about everyone really and if i think of anyone else worth menchening i will be sure to add them!! (:

1 comment:

  1. Will- Lucy lover boy that no one had actually met but i know is real now because i have seen the texts and stuff!
